● To develop and support policy
● To assist and participate in establishing the philosophy, goals and the mission of the school and its educational programs
● To participate in and encourage strategic planning
● To interpret and apply the policies of the Archdiocese when advising in creating policies
● To serve as ambassador and liaison for parents, principal, and pastor for the purpose of promoting communication
● To formulate, revise, and evaluate policies as necessary
● To discuss or review the financial plans of items relevant to school board matters
● To be part of a hiring committee, and provide feedback and recommendations, to the pastor when considering the employment of the parish school principal
● To market the educational programs of the parish. Decisions of the Board are made by reaching a consensus.
Sign Ups only available when registration is open, follow on Facebook for updates!
Boy’s + Girl’s Basketball
Bart Korman
Basketball Coordinator
Open to Grades 2-8. No physical required. Signups open in SEPTEMBER. Playing January through March. The cost is $125 per player and we belong to the CYC Catholic Youth Council.
Boy’s + Girl’s Track
Terry Raterman
Track Coordinator
Open to girls & boys Grades 4-8. No physical required. Signups open in FEBRUARY. Playing January through March. The cost is $125 per player and we belong to the CYC Catholic Youth Council.